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Camellias are many people’s favorite flower during the cold winter months. Camellias bloom from early October through April. Common Camellia is native to southern Korea, Japan, and China, where it often grows in the mountains, along the coast, and near villages.
Common Camellia is a flower that is pollinated with the help of a bird. Camellia and a camellia bird help each other to survive.
It is said that women in the Joseon Dynasty used to put some “camellia oil” on their hair and comb it with a charm comb to look good. This was to add shine to their hair and keep it neat and organized.
Due to climate change, temperatures in South Korea are getting warmer, and the habitat of camellias is gradually shifting from the south coast to the central inland areas. Common Camellia is sensitive to weather changes and is being used as an indicator to detect weather change on the Korean Peninsula.
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