The Korean Movie “12.12:The Day” Surpassed 7 Million Viewers In Its First 20 Days

12.12:The Day,” A Film About The 12/12 Incident In Korea, Gained Popularity In Its Third Week Of Release, Surpassing 7 Million Viewers

While the opening of the film is based on historical facts, the details of the movie are based on imagination. Therefore, the movie is not a reenactment of the facts, but there are many viewers who said that watching the movie made them imagine what the actual military rebellion was like, and also revisit the historical significance of the 12-12 military rebellion.

What Is the Coup d’état of December Twelfth?

It was a military uprising on December 12, 1979, led by Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, who were both members of the South Korean military. The military mutiny occurred when the new military power centered on the “Hanahoe(하나회)”, a private organization within the military, mobilized subordinate troops and forcibly arrested the army chief of staff, Jeong Seung-hwa, without the approval of the then president, Choi Kyu-ha. Until the beginning of 1993, when Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, the leading forces of the 12-12 Incident, served as presidents, the 12-12 Incident was justified by the ruling power. However after the inauguration of the Kim Young-sam government, there were demands from the people to clean up the past, so the Kim Young-sam government declared it a coup d’état by the lower echelons.

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