Samyang Foods Named Top Brand for U.S. Gen Alpha in 2024
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According to the results of the ”2024 Seoul’s Top 10 News“ online voting, the Climate Card secured 69,821 votes (12.49%) and took first place. The online voting was conducted through a portal site, featuring 10 policies selected by the Seoul City press corps. A total of 186,388 people participated, casting a total of 559,164 votes. Second place went to the smart healthcare platform ”The Wrist Doctor 9988,“ which garnered 62,690 votes (11.21%), while third place was claimed by ”Seoul Outdoor Library,“ with 60,129 votes (10.75%). For the foreigner-targeted vote on the Seoul City‘s foreign-language website, 8,060 participants cast 24,180 votes. The top three policies were ”Support for Isolated and Reclusive Youth“ (3,346 votes, 13.84%), ”Garden City Seoul“ (3,147 votes, 13.01%), and ”Seoul Dal“ (984 votes, 12.34%).
There were differences in the policies preferred by different age groups, reflecting their specific interests in culture, transportation, and health. Among those in their teens and twenties, ”Seoul Outdoor Library“ (12.14%) took the top spot. For those in their thirties to fifties, ”Climate Companion Card“ (12.75%) ranked first, while for those aged 60 and above, ”The Wrist Doctor 9988“ (12.94%) was the most popular.
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