Where Does Korea Rank In Terms of the Cost of Lunch?

The Rising Cost Of Living Is Making It Harder For Office Workers To Afford Lunch

The rising cost of food, labor, and other items is driving up the price of lunch menus. However, when compared to other countries, South Korea ranks 57th out of 94 countries in terms of affordability. Switzerland is the most expensive country in the world for a single lunch meal at a regular restaurant (excluding high-end restaurants) among 94 countries. It costs an average of $28.59 (about 38,000 won). This is followed by Denmark ($21.67) and the United States ($20). These are the only three countries where the average meal costs more than $20.

Statistics Source: Numbeo

However, these figures are based on the last 12 months and the average price across the country, so in major cities and tourist destinations such as Seoul, Jeju Island, and Busan, the cost of a meal would be well over $7.5 (10,000 won). With the rising cost of lunch, more office workers are packing lunches to work or opting for convenience store food instead.

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