February 2025 : Top 6 Exhibitions to Visit in Seoul
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“Yook-Toe (육퇴)” It’s an abbreviation for “육아 퇴근.” Closer to slang than standard language.
It refers to raising a child. Narrowly, it means raising young children up to elementary school age, and broadly, it encompasses supporting them until they become independent. When used in the sentence “Yooktoe,” this term particularly applies to newborns and infants who require special care around the clock.
It means returning home from work or going home after finishing work at the workplace.
Just as personal time after work is precious to office workers, ‘Yooktoe’ is essential for parents (both mothers and fathers) raising young children, allowing them to unwind and providing necessary physical and mental relief.
For those who have taken care of their children today (=doing some yook-a), thank you for your hard work! Oh, please share your best yook-a tips or yook-toe rituals on the comments below!
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